Thursday, 8 September 2011

A Tumblr Takeover


Just a quick note to say I'm now blogging on Tumblr, a super-quick way to update you on all the celebrity shenanigans I'm getting up to.

You know you want to...

See you there!

Friday, 2 September 2011

When Carrie Met Carrie

It truly doesn't matter what film feats Sarah Jessica Parker pulls off in the future, or those she has in the past.

She will forever be known as Carrie Bradshaw, unabashed, self-absorbed whinge and owner of the most tedious shoe fetish in all of New York City.

Now, I may not be the biggest SATC fan, but that doesn't mean my heart didn't flutter when I found out I'd be interviewing SJP herself. Seemingly without effort, the woman has managed to pull off the position of bona fide A-lister and revered fashionista without ever uttering a diva-like word or selling herself or her celeb family out. This I have to see in the flesh.

Soho hotel was the place. SJP was in town to promote her new film I Don't Know How She Does It (which I've promised to remain tight-lipped about, given its current embargo) and I was one of the journos granted just 5 minutes with the actress. 

It's a little daunting having to prepare to interview a person whose pivotal role has been playing a journalist, but, hey, she was just pretending, right? And so am I, much of the time.

My observations in those few short minutes?

She is tiny. Teeny tiny. I don't think I've seen someone so small who isn't wearing a school blazer.
She has some of the biggest blue eyes I've seen.
She is adorable. I know that's an Americanism, but it's the only way to describe her. 
She uses the word 'neato' to describe things she likes. (See, I told you she was adorable.)
She won't answer questions about sex. Naughty Joy.
If it wasn't for her uber-strict PR team, I'm pretty sure she'd happily chat for hours about, well, anything.